Health & Safety

1 Statement of Policy

The Scunthorpe Musical Festival acknowledge and accept their legal responsibilities for securing the health, safety and welfare of all employees, sub-contractors (e.g. Adjudicators and Accompanists) and volunteers working on their behalf under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. These responsibilities also extend to others affected by their activities such as members of the general public attending and participating at their events.

The Scunthorpe Musical Festival will provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions so far as reasonably practicable including:

  • adequate control of the Health and Safety risks arising from their activities
  • ensuring that all staff, sub-contractors and volunteers are competent to carry out their tasks and are given adequate information, instruction, training and supervision
  • encouraging all staff, sub-contractors and volunteers to be actively involved in maintaining safe working practices

2 Organisation and Responsibilities

For the Scunthorpe Musical Festival overall responsibility for health and safety rests with a nominated person from the Charity Trustees / Management Committees of each organisation who will:

  • ensure suitable financial provision is made for health & safety obligations
  • provide a safe working environment at any work / meeting place / event location and ensure health & safety responsibilities are agreed when working with external suppliers (e.g venues).
  • ensure that the health and safety policy is effectively implemented throughout their organisation
  • provide appropriate training, information, supervision and instruction to staff, sub-contractors and volunteers
  • ensure activities are planned to take into account health & safety issues
  • provide adequate welfare facilities for staff and volunteers in accordance to the Workplace, (Health, Safety and Welfare) regulations 1992

All staff, sub-contractors and volunteers shall at all times take reasonable care of themselves and have due regard for the health and safety of others who may be affected by their activities.
3 Arrangements

Health and safety is considered in all aspects of the work of The Scunthorpe Musical Festival. The following, outlines the principal ways in which we implement health and safety:

3.1 Communication.

The contents of this policy are brought to the attention of all staff, sub-contractors and volunteers.

3.2 Training.

Training needs will be identified and staff and volunteers will be given training appropriate to their responsibilities.

3.3 Risk Assessments.

We will make suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety of our staff, sub-contractors and volunteers working at any work / meeting place / event location, and to others affected by our activities.

The objective is to examine all work areas and procedures to assess or determine if a risk or potential risks exist, categorise the severity of the risk with a view to elimination, substitution, reduction or control of the risk to help create a safe working environment.

3.4 Emergencies.

Staff, sub-contractors and volunteers always familiarise themselves with local procedures and fire exits when first attending any work / meeting place / event location.

3.5 Equipment.

All equipment is subject to routine maintenance, taking into account various factors, including:

  • statutory testing
  • type of equipment
  • amount of use
  • consequences of failure

3.6 First aid & accident reporting

A basic first aid kit containing recommended minimum materials is available at every work / meeting place / event location. An appointed person is selected to maintain the contents of the first aid kit and to phone for emergency assistance if required.

All accidents should be recorded in an accident book and those defined in the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) are reported to the appropriate enforcing authority via the HSE’s website:

3.7 Manual handling.

We will so far as is reasonably practicable, avoid the need for our staff and volunteers to undertake any manual handling operations which involve a risk to their being injured at any work / meeting place / event location.

3.8 Fire safety.

Exposure to fire can result in burns and inhalation of smoke, either of which can be sufficiently serious to be fatal. We will safeguard our staff, sub-contractors and volunteers against exposure to the hazards associated with fire at any work / meeting place / event location.

4 Review

This policy will be regularly reviewed by the Board of Trustees of The Scunthorpe Musical Festival to ensure that these standards of health and safety are maintained for The Scunthorpe Musical Festival and all involved.