Closing date for entries – Saturday March 25th March 2025 


An Offiical Accompanist will be provided for all junior classes. All Music must 

be with the secretary no later than 31st MARCH 2025 marked with 

name and class number and sent to Miss B J Holmes 59 Maple Tree Way 

Scunthorpe North Lincs. DN16 1 LR. Own Accompanist may be used in the adult section but the Own Choice titles must still be sent in to the Secretary unless they have been 

listed in the entry form. This is to comply with new FEDERATION instructions. 


Where age limit is given, age is as on March 1st 2025 


The Olive Graveling Memorial Bursary for the Most Promising Young Singer 

1) 13 years and under 

2) 14 to 18 years 

The award is to be devoted to the recipient’s musical education. These bursaries 

have been donated to the festival by the Trustees of the Friends of the 

Scunthorpe Cooperative Junior Choir. 


The Festival Bursary is to be awarded to the Vocalist who makes the greatest 

contribution to the Festival. 

No one Singer may receive more than one bursary. 


Vocal Solos and Duets 


Class 1 Vocal Solo Female 17 to under 21                                                                          £4.75 

Test Wee Hughie by Dorothy Parke pub Goodmusic 


Class 2 Vocal Solo Male 17 to under 21                                                                             £4.75 

from Dowland Lute Songs – Book 1. 

High or Low key pub. Stainer and Bell. 


Adult section 18 years and Over 

Class 3 Vocal Solo Any Voice                                                                                             £6.50 

Trophy – McGregor 

Test : a) A song written before 1800, not from standard Opera or Oratorio 

  1. b) A song written in the 19th Century, not from Opera or Oratorio
  2. c) A modern song written by a composer born in the 20th Century,

not from Opera, Oratorio or Show.Time Limit : 15 minutes. 


Class 4       Operatic Solo Any                                                                                            £6.50 

Trophy – Gwen Jones 

Test:         Own Choice- Any aria from Standard Opera in the Original Key 

Time Limit : Not exceeding 6 minutes 


Class 5      Oratorio Solo Any Voice                                                            £6.50 

Trophy -The Silver Jubilee Cup 

Test:          Own Choice – Any aria from Standard Oratorio or Sacred Song 

of any period  in the original key. 

Time Limit : Not exceeding 6 minutes. 


Class 6     Any Light Opera Song or Song from a Musical, Any Voice   £6.50 

Trophy – The Scunthorpe Operatic Cup 

Test :        Song to be sung in its entirety in the original key 

Time Limit :  Not exceeding 5 minutes. 


Class 7     Modern British Song                                                                    £6.50 

Trophy – The Holmes Cup 

Test:       Own Choice of an original composition by any British Composer 

born during the 20th Century (excluding opera, oratorio, musical comedy 

and any test piece already in the syllabus) 

Time Limit:  Not exceeding 4 minutes. 


Class 8       Folk Song  Any Voice                                                                  £6.50 

Test :         Own Choice,with or without accompaniment. 

Care must be taken to choose a genuine traditional folk song. 

A copy must be provided for the adjudicator and accompanist if required. 

Time Limit:   Not exceeding 5 minutes. 


Class 9        Duet  Any Voice                                                                         £6.50 

Test :        Own Choice 

Time Limit : Not exceeding 4 minutes 


Class 10      Negro Spiritual  Any Voice                                                       £6.50 

Test :        Own Choice 

Time Limit : Not exceeding 4 minutes 


Class 11      Lieder  Any Voice                                                                       £6.50 

Test :        Own Choice from Lieder by Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, 

Wolf , Strauss, Mahler,etc. 

Time Limit:  Not exceeding  5 minutes 


Class 12       Edwardian or Victorian Ballad  Any Voice                          £6.50 

Trophy -The Chief Executive Salver 

Test:             A Ballad dating from 1850 to 1920 

Time Limit:   Not exceeding 4 minutes 


Class 13       Vocal Solo  Non first Prize winners                                       £6.50 

For performers who have not obtained a first prize at a Competition 

or Festival. 

Test:               Own Choice 

Time Limit      Not exceeding 4 minutes 

Age and Time Limits must be adhered to. 

Vocal Solos and Duets 






Class 14 a            Solo for Children Infant School up to Year 2                               £3.00 

Test :                     Own Choice of  Favourite Song or Hymn 

Time Limit 2 minutes 


Class 14        Solo for Children under 9 years                                                              £4.00 

Test :                Little Old Lady Lin Marsh from Serendipity Solos 

Pub   Faber Music  


Class   15     Solo for Girls 9 to 11 years (Primary)                                                   £4.00 

Test  :                    Butterfly by Lin Marsh from Serendipity Solos 

Pub Faber Music 


Class 16       Solo for Girls 11 to 13 years (Secondary)                             £4.50 

Test                    Own Choice from  Insect World by Richard Rodney Bennett 

Pub Universal  UE 14167 

Class 17       Solo for Girls 13 and under 15 year                                         £4.50 


Test                  Song of the Bluebell Wood by Betty Roe PUB Thames     


Class 18      Solo for Girls 15 and under 17 years                                                       £4.50 


Test                The Sprig of Thyme arr Rutter No 3 from Three Fok Songs for Upper Voices 

          Pub OUP 




Class      19             Solo for Boys 9 to 11 years (Primary)                                          £4.50 

Test                    Windy Nights by Stanford Pub Roberton 75306 


Class 20       Solo for Boys 11 to under 13 (Secondary)                            £4.50 

Test                    The Moon by Higginson Pub Trinity Grade 3 


Class 21             Solo for Boys 13 to under 16 (Secondary)                                    £4.00 

Test                     Own  Choice Time Limit 3 minutes 


Class 22      Solo  for Boy or Girl  11 and under (Primary)                     £4.00 

Test             Own Choice of  Sacred Song or Hymn 


(Not more than 4 Verses and no Choruses) 

Time Limit     2 minutes 


Class 23       Solo for Boy or Girl 11 and over (Secondary)                                    £4.50 

Test              Own Choice of  Sacred Song or Hymn 

(Not more than 4 verses and no Choruses) 

Time Limit:    3 minutes 


In Classes 23-26 no costumes are allowed due to copyright  restriction 

of the Film or  Show 


Class 24    Song from a Disney Film   7 to 11 years  (Primary )                    £4.00  


Test         Ev’vrbody Wants to be a Cat or The Lord is Good to Me 

from Disney Songs for Kids HL 00740197 

The Set books must be used and song sung in its entirety 


This class will be divided if entries are large 7 to under 9 and  9 to  11 years 


Trophy :The Pat Inman Memorial Trophy will be awarded  by the  adjudicator 


Class 25   Song from a Musical or Film   11 to 13 years                                         £4.50 


Test         Own Choice from Kids Musical Theatre  Collection 


Pub Hal Leonard Europe 


Music for this class must be sent in with entry for the official accompanist 


Class 26     Song  from a Musical or Show 13 to 17 years                                     £4.50 


Test         Own Choice of Song from any Musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein, Stephen Sondheim or Cole Porter sung in its Original  Key 

                And copy sent for Accommpanist   with entry Time Limit 4 minutes 



Class 27   Art Song  for Girl  13 and under 17 years                             £4.50 


Test         Own Choice of an art song to be sung in French German  or Italian 


to be  sung from memory 


Time Limit 3 minutes                                                                                                                                                                                            Class 28       Folk Song under 17 years                                                         £4.50 


Trophy       L A Holmes Trophy 


Test :         Own Choice or a traditional Folk Song  to be sung with or without 


accompaniment                Time Limit   4 minutes 


Class 29    Vocal  Duet 14 to 16 years                                                        £4.50 


Test :          Own Choice   Time Limit  3 minutes 


Class 30     Vocal Duet 17 to 18 years                                                         £4.50 


Test:            Own Choice  Time Limit   3 minute 


Age and time limits must be adhered to. 


Choral Classes 


Senior Section 


Class 31       Ladies Part Song                                                                   £7.50 


Trophy- The Brooke Cup 


Test              Shalom by Dan Forest Digital Download   Pub Beckenhorst Press.com 


and Own Choice Time Limit 5 minutes 


Class 32      Male Voice Choir                                                                                             £7.50                                    Trophy- The Festival Trophy 


Test :          Two Contrasting Pieces  Time Limit  3 minutes each Song 


Class 33       Any Adult Choir (excluding College and School Choir)   £7.50                                                      Trophy -The Cliff  Cup 


Test:            Two Contrasting Pieces    Time Limit    8 minutes 


Class 34        Gilbert and Sullivan Ensemble                                                £6.50 


Trophy- The Fred Chambers Memorial Trophy 


Test Piece        Own Choice 


Time limit         not to exceed 10 minutes 


Class 35          Group Folk Song                                                                     £6.50   Test  Piece       Unaccompanied traditional Folk Song 


Time limit       not to exceed 10 minutes 


Choral Classes 


Junior Section 


Trophy – The Gordon Mawson Trophy and Bursary of £50 


will be awarded to the most Promising School Choir 


to be decided  by the Adjudicator 


Class 36      Hymn for  Infant Schools                                                             £7.00 


The  Oakfield  Primary  School Shield 


Test              Own Choice of a Hymn 


Time Limit     3 minutes 


Class 37      Unison Song for Infant Schools                                                 £7.00 

Trophy – The Rounce Shield 


Test  ;       Pirates BY Lin Marsh from  Junior Sonscape 

AND Own Choice Time Limit 2 minutes 


Time Limit  2 minutes 


Class 38     Junior School  Choir                                                                   £7.00 


Trophy  The Joyce Bennet Trophy ( Town Choir) 


The  Heslam Trophy (District Choir) 


Test   :    In the Rainforest by Lin Marsh from Junior Songscape 

Earth,Sea and Sky  


also Own Choice Time Limit 3 minutes 


This class is divided into two because of the large entries received 


Class 39    Unison Song for School Girls 12 to 16 years                             £7.00 


Trophy – Reflections Shield 


Test            Own Choice  Two Contrasting Pieces 


Time Limit:  5 minutes 


Class 40      Unison Song for School Boys 12 to 16 years                        £7.00 


Trophy- The Frodingham Old Boys Shield 


Test             Own Choice: Two Contrasting Pieces 


Time Limit   5 minutes 


Class 41      Song  for Village Schools                                                            £7.00 


Trophy The Pidd Shield 


Test             Own Choice : Two Contrasting Pieces may be either Unison 


or Two Part 


Time Limit  5 minutes 


Class 42        Hymn for Junior Schools                                                            £7.00 


Trophy -The Holme Valley Shield 


Test Piece          Own Choice of Hymn 


Time limit       4 minutes 


This  class will be divided into town and district choirs. Each class will receive 1st, 2nd, and third prizes. The trophy will be awarded to the highest mark gained between the two classes. 


Class 43         Hymn  Secondary School Children                                           £7.00 


Trophy -The Greeson Shield 


Test Piece     Own Choice of Hymn 


Time limit:      4 minutes 


Class 44          Part Song  for School Choir (12 to 16 years                                                £7.00 


Trophy -The Caldicott Shield 


Test Piece      Two Contrasting Pieces 


Time limit       5 minutes 


Class 45        Youth Group Choir                                                                     £7.00 


Test Piece   Own Choice: Two Contrasting Piece 

Time limit 6 minutes 


Class 46            Junior Choir including  Training Choir                                         £7.00 


Test Piece   it       6 minutes 


Own Choice : Two Contrasting Pieces 


Class 47            Youth Organisations eg Guides Brownies etc. 


Time limit:       4 minutes                                                                                                       £7.00                                              Trophy -The Moorman Shield 


Test Piece  Own Choice : Two contrasting pieces 


Time limit       4 minutes 


Age and time limits must be adhered to. 


Prize winners Classes 


for The Festival Medal 


Class 48  Winners of  Classes 14,15,19 and 22 


Class 49    Winners of Classes 16, 17, 18, 20,   21 and 23 


Closing date for entries   Saturday March 24th 2024 


Any Own Choice Music should also be sent by the same date. 




Closing Date for Entries 


Where there is an age limit stated it is as on March 1st 2025 


Entries close Saturday 25h  March 2025 




Class 50       Non first Prize winners Piano Solo 10 years and under             £4.50 


Test :                 Sticky Fingers No. 6 from In the Pink by Brian Chapple pub Chester 


Class 51       Non first Prize winners Piano Solo 11 years and Over               £4.50 


Test :                  Come Along Sam by Annie Curwen from Music Through Time 


by P hall & P Harris pub Oxford Press 


Class 52       Piano Solo for Beginners under 7 years                                           £4.50 


Trophy – The Junior Cup 


Test                      On the Sea No.1  from First Album for Piano (part 2) B. K. Mason 


pub Bosworth 


Class 53              Piano Solo 7 and 8 years                                                                        £4.50 


Trophy – The Silver Jubilee Trophy 


Test :                 Allegro in B flat by Mozart No 2 from Highway of Progress pub ABRSM 


Class 54      Piano Solo 9 and under 11 years                                                   £4.50 

Test Tango Argentina by Pauline Hall from Piano Time Book 2 pub OUP 

Trophy -The Geary Cup 



Class 55       Piano Solo 11 to under 13 years                                                     £4.50 


Trophy – The Keighley Dixon Trophy 


Test             Jagdlied by Macdowell Op 39 No 1 from Romantic Sketchbook 

       For  Piano Book 3 Pub ABRSM 




Class 56         Piano Solo 13 to under 15 years                                                    £4.50 


Trophy – The Benson Cup 


Test             Ballade by Burgmuller from 254 Progressive Studies Op. 100 pub ABRSM 


pub ABRSM 


Class 57          Piano Solo 15 to under 17 years                                                   £4.50 


Trophy – The Cossins Cup 


Test               Miniature Pastoral No 5 Budge from Romantic Sketchbook for Piano 


pub ABRS, 


Class 58         Piano Solo 17 years and over                                                        £6.00 


Award – Festival Medal 


Test:                    Melodie by Moszkowski Op 77 No 9 from More Romantic Pieces Bk 5 


pub ABRSM 


Classes 59-63 


In all Repertoire Classes and in the Spirit of the Festival we hope that you will 


extend your repertoire . With this in mind it would be PREFERABLE to exclude 


your exam pieces from your programme . 


Own choice pieces should  not have been played previously at this Festival. 


Class 59       Piano Repertoire under 9 years                                                 £4.50 


Trophy – The Wright Cup 


Test :              Own Choice of two pieces 


  1. a) From the works of Composers up  to and including the 19th Century


  1. b) From works of 20th Century Composers


Time limit        3 minutes 


Class 60     Piano Repertoire 9 to under 11 years                                        £4.50 


Trophy – The Nisbet Cup 


Test :              Own Choice as for Class 59 


Time Limit     4 minutes 


Class 61      Piano Repertoire 11 to under 13 years                                     £4.50 


Trophy -The Ransom Cup 


Test:              Own Choice as for Class 59 


Time limit:     5 minutes 


Class 62     Piano Repertoire 13 to under 16 years                                      £4.50 


Trophy – The Brown Cup 


Test :              Own  Choice as for class 59 


Time Limit:     8 minutes 


Class 63     Piano Repertoire 16 years and over                                           £6.50 


Trophy – The Myers Foggin Cup 


Test :              Own Choice as for  class 59 


Time limit :    10 minutes 


Class 64      Chopin   Open                                                                              £5.50 


Trophy  – The Burgess Trophy 


Test :             Own Choice . Age and suitability of choice will be taken into 


consideration when awarding marks. 


Time limit :      8 minutes 


Class 65      Bach Open under 14 years                                                         £4.50 


Trophy – The Drayton Memorial Shield 


Test:               Own Choice . Age and suitability of choice will be taken into 


consideration when awarding marks. 


Time Limit 3 minutes 


Class 66   Bach Open 14 to under 18 years                                                 £4.50 


Trophy – The Inner Wheel Trophy 


Test :             Own Choice. Age and suitability of choice will be taken into 


consideration when awarding the marks. 


Time limit      8 minutes 


Class 67          Bach   Open   18 years and over                                                  £6.00 


Test                        Own Choice   Age and suitability of choice will be taken into 


consideration when awarding the marks. 


Time Limit         8 minutes 


Class 68         Piano Duet for Parent or Grand parent and Child                            £4.75 


under 16 years of age. 


Trophy -The Yager Cup 


Test                        Own Choice. Age and suitability of choice will be taken into 




Time limit       4 minutes 


Class 69          Piano Duet for 10 years and under                                                       £4.75 


Test:                Hornpipe in G by Barbara Kirkby Mason from 1st Album 

                        Pub Bosworth 


Class 70          Piano Duet for 12 years and under                                                        £4.75 


Trophy – The Chessman Cup 


Test Alay and the Bear by P Hall from Piano Jazz Time Duets Bk 1 


Class 71           Piano Duet  for 14 years and under                                                    £4.75 


Test :                            The Hit Man from Easy Jazzin’ About by Pam Wedgewood 


Class 72          Piano Duet for 16 years and under                                                       £4.75 


Test :                           In a Folk Dance Style by Ivan Quinnell No 6 from Double Delight 


pub Chester Music 


Class 73           Piano Duet  open                                                                            £4.75 


Test :                            Own Choice  Time Limit 6 minutes 


Class 74          Piano Duet for Pupil /Teacher or advanced Student                         £4.75 


Test Piece      Own Choice of one or two duets. The pupil must play the 


Primo part and only the Pupil will be adjudicated 




Pieces played in the Exam Classes MAY NOT be repeated in the Piano Classes 


59-63 inclusive. 


No age limit.  To play one own choice piece from any exam board using the 


current 2023/2024 syllabus and studying for the following exams. 


Class 75               Pre-Grade 1 standard   Time Limit 2 minutes                                           £4.00 


Class 76                 Grade 1                                 Time Limit 2 minutes                                     £4.00 



Class 77           Grade 2                                         Time Limit 2 minutes                                     £4.00 


Class 78                Grade 3                                 Time Limit 3 minutes                                     £4.00 


Class 79          Grade 4                                         Time Limit 3 minutes                                     £4.00 


Class 80          Grade 5                                         Time Limit 4 minutes                                     £4.00 


Class 81          Grade 6                                          Time Limit 5 minutes                                     £4.00     

 Class 82        Grade 7                                                 Time Limit 7 minutes                                     £4.75     Class 83        Grade 8                                         Time Limit 8 minutes                                 £4.75 




Test Piece to play one piece of Own Choice Music from  Associated Board 


Jazz Piano Syllabus and studying towards 


Class 84   Grade  1                      Time Limit 2 minutes                                          £3.75 


Class 85   Grade 2                        Time Limit  2 minutes                                       £3.75 


Class 86  Grade 3            Time Limit  3 minutes                               £3.75 


Class 87  Grade 4            Time Limit  3 minutes                                    £3.75 




Own Choice of any piece transcribed from a Film 


or Show Soundtrack 


Class 88    under 9 years             Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £3.75 


Class 89     9 to under 14 years   Time  Limit  3 minute                    £4.00 


Class 90   14 to under 18 years   Time Limit  4 minutes                    £4.75 




Class  91    Romantic  Piano Class                                                                              £6.00 


for Students who have attained  Grade 5 and above 


Test                Own Choice from the works of  Grieg,  Liszt, Brahms etc 


Time Limit 8 minutes 




Entries close Saturday March 25th 2025 


Own Choice music must be sent to the Secretary by the same date. 


Class 92            Violin / Viola/Cello  Solo for Beginners      £4.00 

Test Piece   Hills and Dales  No.11  from Wagon Wheels by Katherine and Hugh College 

Pub Boosey and Hawkes                                                                        

  Open to anyone who has been studying the violin for no more than 5 terms 


Class  93     Violin / Viola  Solo/Cello  under 8  years                                 £4.00 


Test   Ode to Joy by Beethoven from Encore  Book 1 Pub ABRSM 


Class 93a         Violin/Viola /Cello  Solo 8 to under 11 years                                       £4.00 


Test    Glwysen by Edward Huws Jones from The Fiddle Playalong Series 

Pub Boosey and Hawkes 



Class 94       Violin Solo 11 to 14 years                                                          £4.00 


Trophy – The Heslam Cup 


Test                     Rondeau by Purcell from the Best of Grade 4 Violin  

               By Jessica O’Leary    Pub Faber 


pun  Faber Music 


Class 95      Violin Solo 15 years and over                                                   £5.00 


Trophy – The Silver Jubilee Cup 


Test                   Roamnatic Piece Op 75 No.1  by Dvorak  Pub Peters 


Class 96     String  Concerto       Open                                                                    £5.00 


Trophy – The Heslam Trophy 


Test:            Own Choice of One Movement Time Limit 8 minutes 


Class 97       Violin  Solo Non First Prize Winners 11 to 14                        £4.50 


Test :              Own Choice 


Time limit      3 minutes 


Class 98       Violin Solo Non First Prize Winners 15 years and over         £5.00 


Test :              Own Choice 


Time limit       4 minutes 


Class 99      Violin Concertino                                                                             £4.50 


Test :               Own Choice of one Movement from any Concertino 


Time Limit 6 minutes 


Class 100    Violin Repertoire  12 years and under                                      £4.50 


Test :              Own Choice of  Two Contrasting Pieces 


Time limit       8 minutes 


Class 101       Violin Repertoire  13 years and over                                      £4.50 


Test:              Own Choice of Two Contrasting Pieces 


Time limit      10  minutes 


Class 102       String  Duet  11 to 14 years                                                       £4.50 


Test                Own Choice  Time Limit 6 minutes. 


Class 103      Violin Sight-Reading Open                                                         £4.00 


Test :              To play a piece at sight given by the adjudicator 


Class 104             Viola / Cello or Double Bass Solo for Beginners                            £4.50                                      Open to anyone who has been studying the either instrument for 


no more than 4 terms and has not played in this class before 


Test       Own Choice   Time Limit 3 minutes 


Class 105              Viola or Cello Solo 14 year and under                                                     £4.50                                 Trophy  The David Ward Memorial Trophy 


Test                      Own Choice 


Time Limit    4 minutes 


Class 105a           Viola or Cello Solo 14 years and Over                                                     £4.50 


Test                        Own Choice 


Time Limit           5 minutes 


Class 105b           Double  Bass Solo                                                                                            £4.50 


Test     Own Choice   Time Limit  3 minutes 




Entries close Saturday 2t5th March 2024 


Class 106     Recorder Solo  Infant School                                                                          £3.00 


Test:             Own Choice 


Time limit 2 minutes 


Class 107    Recorder Solo Years 3&4                                                                                 £4.00 


Test :          For Descant Recorder any  piece from New Recorder Solos 


by Graham Lyons. 


for  Treble Recorder any piece from First Book of Recorder Solos 


by Walter  Bergman 


Class 108         Recorder Solo Years 5& 6                                                                         £4.50 


Test:           For Descant Recorder any  piece from The Really Easy Recorder 


Book  by Brian Bonsor  pub Faber Music 


For Treble Recorder any piece from Five Concert Pieces in Enjoy the 


Recorder Treble Book 1 by Brian Bonsor pub Schott Edition 11468. 


Class 109   Recorder Solo 11 to 14 years   (Secondary)                              £4.50 


Test :          One piece from A Day in the Country by Alan Ridout 


pub Associated Board for either Descant or Treble Recorder 


Class 110  Recorder Solo 14 to 16 years                                                       £4.50 


Test:           Own Choice from either : 


Recorder Players Collection Book 3  Descant 


Recorder Players Collection Book 1  Treble 


by Colin Hand pub Kevin Mayhew 


Class 111          Recorder Solo 16 years and Over                                               £4.50 


Test :           Own Choice 


Time limit    5 minutes 


Class 112            Recorder  Duet (Infant age)                                                      £3.00 


Test:           Own Choice 


Time limit    2 minutes 


Class 113          Recorder Duet   Years 3&4                                                          £4.50 


Test :          Own Choice 


Time limit    3 minutes 


Class 114           Recorder Duet  Years 5&6                                                             £4.50 


Test:            Own Choice  from Recorder Duets from the Beginning 


OR Descant and Treble Duets from the Beginning  by John  Pitts 


pub  Chester Music 


Class 115         Recorder Duet  11 to 14  years  (Secondary)                                    £4.50 


Test:            Own Choice 


Time limit   4 minutes 


Class 116 Recorder Duet 14 to 16 years                                                     £ 4.50 


Test :            Own Choice 


Time limit     4 minutes 


Class 117  Recorder Duet  16 years and over                                          £4.50 


Test :           Own Choice 


Time limit     4 minutes 


Class 118 to 122 below are for recorders with or without Piano Accompaniment 


but no other instruments. 


The Recorder Ensemble with the highest mark will receive the Festival shield. 


Class 118   Infant Recorder Ensemble                                                                                £4.25                                 Test                        Own Choice 


Time limit      6 minutes 


Class 119    Recorder Ensemble  7 to 11 years                                           £5.00 


Test :            Own Choice 


Time limit     6 minutes 


Class 120  Recorder Ensemble 11 to 14 years                                            £5.25 


Test :           Own Choice 


Time limit     6 minutes 


Class 121   Recorder Ensemble  14 to 16 years                                         £5.25 


Test :          Own Choice Time Limit  9 minutes 


Class 122   Recorder Ensemble Open                                                         £ 5.25 


Test:            Own Choice    6 minutes 




Entries close Saturday 25th March 2025 


Own choice music to be sent at the same time 


Class 123    Woodwind Solo  11 years and under  (Primary)                   £4.00 


Test :           Own Choice 


Time limit     3 minutes 


Class 124   Woodwind Solo 11 years and under 15 years                                      £4.50 


Trophy          The Elsam Trophy 


Test :             Own Choice 


Time limit       3 minutes 


Class 125   Woodwind  Solo 15 to under 18 years                                 £ 4.50 


Trophy – The Rennie Cup 


Test :             Own Choice 


Time limit      5 minutes 


Class 126     Woodwind Solo 18 years and over                                      £4.75 


Test :              Own Choice 


Time limit       5 minutes 


Class 127      Woodwind Duet   Open (no recorders)                                £4.50 


Trophy- The Rennie Clef 


Test:                Own Choice 


Time limit       5 minutes 


Class 128      Woodwind and Piano Duet   Open                                       £4.50 


Test :              Own Choice 


Time limit      5 minutes 


Class 129            Woodwind Repertoire 12 years and Under                                      £4.50 


Test                     Own Choice of two contrasting pieces 


Time Limit 3 minutes 


Class 130            Woodwind Repertoire 13 years and under 16                £4.50 


Test                     Own Choice of two contrasting pieces 


Time Limit   6 minutes 


Class  131     Woodwind Repertoire 16 and under 21 years                    £4.75 


Test                    Own Choice  of two contrasting pieces 


Time Limit    8 minutes 


Class 132        Saxophone Solo for Beginners  open to anyone who has                  £4.50 


been studying the instrument for no more than 4 terms and has not played in this class before 


Test                       Own Choice  Time Limit 3 minutes 


Class 133        Saxophone Solo 13 years and under                                      £4.50 


Test               Own Choice 


Time limit      4 minutes 


Class 134       Saxophone Solo 15 years and under                                     £4.50 


Test :             Own Choice 


Time limit       4 minutes 


Class 135       Saxophone Solo 16 years and over                                       £4.50 


Test:               Own Choice 


Time limit       5 minutes 


Class 136       Woodwind Ensemble for various combinations of              £5.50 


Wind Instruments for not less than 3 players or more 


than 20 


Trophy – The Vickers Rose Bowl 


Test:               Own Choice 


Time limit      10 minutes 


Group Class 


Class 137    Family Music Making                                                               £7.00 


Vocal, Instrumental or mixed;not less than 3 performers 


Trophy -The Knott Rose Bowl 


Test                 Own Choice 


Time limit        8 minutes 


Brass Section 


Please note in the Solo Brass Classes, where an accompaniment is required, a piano part must be provided in a suitable key.Teachers are only allowed to assist in the tuning of the instrument. 


Entries close Saturday 25h March 2025 


Own choice music should be sent in at the same time 


Class 138     Brass Solo 11 years and under (Primary)                                 £4.50 


Trophy  – The Clark Cup 


Test :                Own Choice other than a Hymn 


Time limit         3 minutes 


Class 139      Brass Solo 11  and under 15 years  (Secondary)                      £4..50 


Trophy – The Goodacre Trophy 


Test:                 Own Choice  other than a Hymn 


Time limit         3 minutes 


Class 140      Brass Solo 15 and under 18 years                                             £ 4.50              

  Trophy               The. Markham Trophy 


Test :                Own Choice other than a  Hymn 


Time limit         5 minutes 


Class 141       Brass Solo 18  and under 21 years                                            £4.50 


Test:                Own Choice 


Time limit        5 minutes 


Class 142       Brass Solo 21 and over                                                              £5.00 


Test:                 Own Choice 


Time limit         5 minutes 


Class 143      Brass Duet  any Brass Instruments Open                                 £5.50 


Test:                 Own Choice 


Time limit         5 minutes 


Class 144        Brass Solo  Open                                                                        £5.50 


Test:                 Own Choice 


Time limit          5 minutes 


Class 145   Brass Repertoire Open 16 years  and Over                                 £ 5.00 


Test:                 Own  Choice of two contrasting pieces 


Time limit         15 minutes 


Band and groups are asked to  bring their own Music Stands with them. 


Class 146        Ensemble  for Brass Open (3  to 10 players)                           £6.50 


Test:               Own Choice 


Time limit       10 minutes 


Class 147    Ensemble  for Woodwind and Brass Open (3 -10 players) `                    £6.50 


Test:             Own Choice 


Time limit       10 minutes 


Class 148    Junior Brass Band   (not Schools)                                                        £6.50 


Test  Piece Own Choice of Two Contrasting Pieces 


Time Limit  10   minutes 


Class 149   School  Brass Band   Open                                                      £7.00 


Trophy -The Billy Butlin Trophy 


Test:             Own Choice of two contrasting pieces one of which must 


be a March. 


Time limit    10 minutes 


Class 150    School Brass Band  14 years and under                                 £7.00 


Test:             Own Choice of any two contrasting pieces 


Time limit     8 minutes 


Class 151  School Wind  Band Open                                                           £7.00 


Trophy -The Festival Trophy 


Test                 Own  Choice of two contrasting pieces 


Time limit      8  minutes 


Class 152   School Orchestra  Open                                                          £7.00 


Test :              Own Choice 


Time limit      10 minutes 


Class 153   Primary School Orchestra                                                       £6.00 


Test:             Own Choice of two contrasting pieces 


Time limit    10 minutes 


Class 154      Music Making  Infants  Schools                                                    £6.00 


Test:             To perform a well  known Fairy tale or legend 


using any instruments,vocals or prose effects 


to illustrate the story. 


Time limit    10 minutes 


Class 155   Music Making Junior School                                                   £6.00 


Test :             AS FOR CLASS 154 


Time limit    10 minutes 


Class 156  Music Making  Secondary School                                                    £6.00 


Test                AS FOR CLASS 154 


Time  Limit    10 minutes 


Class 156a  Music Making Open                                                                            £6.00 


Test    As for CLASS 154 


Time Limit    10 minutes 


Percussion Classes 


Entries close Saturday 25th March 2025                          

  Own Choice music to be sent in at the same time 


Class 157   Percussion Solo under 12 years                                              £4.50 


Test:              Own Choice of a Piece for Snare Drum Only 


Time limit      3 minutes 


Class 158 Percussion Solo  12 to 16 years                                                 £4.50 


Test:              Own Choice 


Time limit      4 minutes 


Class 159   Rhythmic and Percussion  Band                                           £6.00 


Trophy – The Percussion Cup 


Test :               Own Choice 


Time limit       8 minutes 


Class 160          Junior School Brass Ensemble  3 to 10 players                           £4.50 


Test     Own Choice 


Time Limit 6 minutes 




Class 161          Two Skills   Primary                                                                                             £4.00 


Test             Own  Choice of either two Instruments or Piano and Instrument or 


Piano and Voice 


Two Pieces 


Time Limit 5 minutes 


Class 162        Two Skills  Secondary                                                                         £4.50 


Test   As  for Class 205 


Time Limit 6 minutes 


Class 163   Two Skills   Open                                                                                                     £5.50 


Test     As  for class 205 


Time Limit 8 minutes 




Class 164    Concert Harp                                                                                                                 £3.75 


Test             Own Choice of  Two Contrasting Pieces 


Time Limit 10 minutes 


Class  165   Harp with or without Pedals                                                                                  £3.75 


Test    Own Choice of two Contrasting Pieces 


Time Limit  10 minutes 




Class 166   Acoustic Guitar Solo   Junior School  Age                                             £4.50 


Test Piece      Own Choice 


Time Limit 2 minutes 


Class 167              Acoustic Guitar Solo     Secondary Age                                                        £4.50 


Test                      Own Choice 


Time Limit 3 Minutes 


Class  168          Acoustic Guitar Group                                                                                       £5.25 


Test                      Own Choice  Two Contrasting Pieces 


Time Limit  5 minutes 




Class 169              Samba Band     for  Junior Schools                                           £6.50 


Test Piece        Own choice of Drumming Rhythms 


Time Limit      3 minutes 


Class 170              Samba Band for Secondary Schools                                                         £6.50 


Test  Piece      Own Choice of two Drumming Rhythms 


Time Limit       5 minutes 


Class 171               Samba Band Open                                                                                          £6.50 


Test                       Own Choice of Two Rhythms 


Time Limit        6 minutes 




Class 172    Church Organ Solo.  Manuals only.  Open                                £4.50                           

  :       Test         Own Choice of One Piece 


Time limit        4 minutes 


Class 173    Church Organ Solo including Pedals   Open                             £4.50 


Test:               Own Choice two contrasting pieces 


Time limit       10 minutes 


Time will be arranged for the performers in the above two classes 


for rehearsal time on the Organ in St.Lawrence’s Church. 


Performers should contact the Secretary once the time table for classes 


has been issued 




class 174     Non-Western Traditional Instrumental Group                  £4.75 


Test:                  Own Choice 


Time limit           10 minutes 


Class 175             Non -Western Traditional Solo                                           £5.25 


Test:                 Own Choice 


Time limit          5 minutes 




The Performers are asked to perform their work prior  to receiving the adjudication 


in all the classes below. All manuscripts must be sent to the  Secretary  with the 


entry  no later than  March 25th  2025 and  must be  accompanied by  a 


statement  from  the parent or teacher to say that this is the entrant’s own work. 


The composer is responsible for arranging for the performance of the work 


during the festival. 


Class 176    Song with Accompaniment                                                                      £4.75 


Award                  Festival  Medal 


Test      Not less than 16 bars . The song must  be performed at the Festival 


by either the composer or another performer or on tape or CD. 


Class 177   Composition for any instrument or instruments other           £4.75 


than Piano 


Award          Festival Medal 


Test             Not less than 16 bars for either Electronic or Acoustic or a combination 


of both. If Electronic then a tape may be played at the Festival 


Class 178           Piano Composition   Open                                                                         £4.75 


Award                Festival Medal 


Test              To compose a piece for Piano not less than  16 bars 




Pieces sung in the exam classes should not be performed in any other vocal class 


and can be from any exam board which the performer is studying to take. 


Piece to be other than from a Musical or Show 


Class 179              Grade 1 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 180              Grade 2 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 181              Grade 3 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 182              Grade 4                Time Limit 3 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 183              Grade 5 Time Limit 3        minutes                                               £4.50 


Class 184              Grade 6 Time Limit 3 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 185              Grade 7 Time Limit 4 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 186              Grade 8 Time Limit 5 minutes                                      £4.50 




pieces performed in these classes should not be in any other brass class 


but can be from any exam board 


Class 187              Grade 1 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 188              Grade 2 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 189              Grade 3 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 190              Grade 4 Time Limit 3 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 191              Grade 5 Time Limit 4 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 192              Grade 6 Time Limit 4        minutes                               £4.50 


Class 193              Grade 7 Time Limit 5 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 194              Grade 8 Time Limit 5 minutes                                      £4.50 




pieces performed in these classes should not be performed in any other string classes 


but can be from any exam board 


Class 195              Grade 1 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 196              Grade 2 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 197              Grade 3 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 198              Grade 4 Time Limit 3 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 199              Grade 5 Time Limit 4 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 200              Grade 6 Time Limit 5 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 201              Grade 7 Time Limit 6 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 201a           Grade 8 Time Limit 6 minutes                                      £4.50 




pieces performed in these classes should not be performed in any other wind classes 


but can be from any exam board 


Class 202              Grade 1 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 203              Grade 2 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 204              Grade 3 Time Limit 2 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 205              Grade 4 Time Limit 3 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 206              Grade 5 Time Limit 3 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 207              Grade 6 Time Limit 4 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 208              Grade 7 Time Limit 5 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 209              Grade 8 Time Limit 7 minutes                                      £4.50 


Class 210                              Bell Plates or Handbell Group                        £5.50 


Own Choice of  Two Contrasting Pieces 


Time Limit   5 minutes 


Class 211                              Acoustic Pop Group ( 3-10 Players)                                          £5.50 


Own Choice of Piece 


Time Limit 6 minutes 


Acoustic Instruments only may include: Guitar, Piano, Woodwind 


Brass, Strings, Percussion (Not full Drum Kit) Snare Drum and 


Cymbals Only and of course Vocals allowed. 


Class 212                              Acoustic Pop Ballad  Secondary Age                        £4.50 


Test :                                     Own  Choice  of Piece 


Time Limit up to 3 minutes 


Accompaniment as for Class 211 


N.B. Music must be provided for the above 2 classes  for the 


adjudicator even as a PVG arrangement 


Class 213                              Beginners Brass Solo                                                      £4.50 


For students who have only been learning the Instrument                                                                                             for up to  five terms and has not played in this class before 


Own Choice of one piece 


Time Limit  3 minutes 


Class 214                              Vocal or Instrumental Solo with Accompaniment   £4.50 


Test :                                     Own choice of one piece (The Accompanist can only perform 




Time Limit  3 minutes 


Each performer will be marked. 


Class 215                              Beginners Woodwind Class                                                         £4.50 


for those who have only been learning  the instrument 


for 5 terms and has not played in this class before 


Own Choice  of one piece 


Time Limit  3 minutes 


Class 216                              Taiko Drumming  Ensemble                                                        £5.50 


Test Own Choice of one piece 


Time Limit   5 minutes 


Class 217                              Ukulele Solo     Primary                                                                 £4.50 


Test                       Own Choice  of one piece with  or without a song 


Time Limit 2 minutes 


Class 218                              Ukulele Solo      Secondary                                                           £4.50 


Test                        Own Choice of one piece with or without a song 


Time Limit            2 minutes 


Class 219                              Ukulele Solo      Adult                                                                     £4.50 


Test                        Own Choice  of one piece  with or without a song 


Time Limit           3 minutes 


Class 220                              Ukulele Orchestra   Primary                                                        £5.50                     Test      Own Choice of one piece with or without a song 


Time Limit           5 minutes 


Class 221              Acoustic Guitar Solo for Beginners (Primary)                       £4.50 


Test                        Own Choice of One piece 


Time Limit   2 minutes 


Class 222              Acoustic Guitar Solo for Beginners (Secondary)                 £3.50 


Test                        Own Choice of one piece 


Time Limit 3 minutes 


Class 223              Mixed Instrumental Ensemble up to 10 players                 £5.50 


Test                        Own Choice of one piece 


Time Limit 5 minutes 


Class 224              Rock Choir for Secondary School                                                              £5.50 


Test                        Own Choice of one song 


Simple Movement allowed  Time Limit 4 minutes 


Class 225              Foundation Singing Game Class                                                                 £4.00 


Test                        Own Choice   Time Limit up to 3 minutes 


Class 226              Vocal Group Primary 7-11 years                                                                £4.00 


not more than 5 performers 


Test                        Own Choice of a  Unison Song which may contain solo passages 


should the group decide to include   Time Limit 3 minutes 


Class 227              Boomwackers Group Class Primary                                         £4.00 


Test                        To perform a piece of the group’s own Choice 


Time Limit 3 minutes   Vocals allowed 


Class       228                        Vocal Group 11-13 years                                                               £5.25 


Test                        Own Choice  or 1 unison or part song for up to 20 people 


Unaccompanied or accompanied by 1 instrument  (but not a Pop Song ) 


Time Limit  5 minutes 


Class    229                          Vocal Group 14-18 years                                                              £5.25 


Test      Own Choice as for  class                 228 


Time Limit  8 minutes 


Class 230                              Makaton Signing Class for Primary Choir              £5.25 


Test                        Own Choice of two contrasting pieces 


Time Limit   5 minutes 


Class 231              School Beginners Piano Class     Primary                                £3.75 


Test                        Own Choice of One Piece 


Class 232                              Penny Whistle Group   Primary                                  £4.00 


Test                        Own Choice         

Time Limit 3 minutes 


Class 233                              String Ensemble  Secondary                                        £4.50 


Test                        Own Choice  

Time Limit  5 minutes 


Class 234              Instrumental Folk Group              Secondary                                          £4.00 


Test                        Own Choice of one piece   

Time Limit 5 minutes 


Class 235      String Duet 11 years and under                                                        £4.50 


Test  Own Choice             Time Limit 3 minutes 


Class 236             Percussion Class   Secondary   Call and Response              £4.50 


Time Limit     2 minutes 


Class 237              Rock Choir for Primary School Choir                                        £5.50 


Test                        Own Choice of one piece   

Time Limit 3 minutes 


New for 2025 


Class 238             Guitar Duet Primary                                                                       £4.50 


Test Piece           Own Choice    

Time Limit 3 minutes