A            Puffin Book of Fantastic Poems

B            The Works Key Stage 1

C            I Like This Poem

D            Another Very First Poetry Book pub Oxford

E            Poems to Perform by Julia Donaldson

F            A Puffin Quartet of Poets

G            Read Me 2

H            A Sextet of Poets

I            Fourth Oxford book of Poems

J            The Works 5

K            Words Aloud

L            First Oxford book of Poetry

M            Read Me

Copies of all the set poems are available from the Secretary.


Book ref./Page/ Entry fee

Class 1A

Pre-Reception Children

Test Piece: Own Choice of a traditional Nursery Rhyme           £2.50


Class 1

Verse Speaking Reception Class

Test Piece: The Pancake by Christina Rossetti            A/54            £3.00


Class 2

Verse Speaking Year 1 (March– August Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: The Barn Owl by Richard Jane            B195            £3.00

Class 3

Verse Speaking Year 1 (September-February Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: Acorn Bill by Ruth Ainsworth n            A/28            £3.00

Class 4

Verse Speaking Year 2 (March-August Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece Elf Man Copy from the Secretary            £3.00

Class 5

Verse Speaking Year 2 (September-February Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: The Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti            C/30            £3.00

Class 6

Verse Speaking Year 3 (March– August Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: It’s Dark in Here by Shel Silverstein            M/291            £3.00

Class 7

Verse Speaking Year 3 (Sept-February Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: It’s Only the Storm by Dave Wood            D/76            £3.00

Class 8

Verse Speaking Year 4 (March-August Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: Nut Tree by Julia Donaldson            E/27            £3.00

Class 9

Verse Speaking Year 4 (Sept-February Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: History by Catherine Benson            K7            £3.00

Class 10

Verse Speaking Year 5 (March-August Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: Fireworks by James Reeves            F/59            £3.00

Class 11

Verse Speaking Year 5 (Sept-February Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: The Pines by Margaret Mahy            L/78            £3.00

Class 12

Verse Speaking Year 6 (March-August Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece The Paint Box by E V Rieu            G 106            £3.00

Class 13

Verse Speaking Year 6 (Sept-February Birthdays inclusive)

Test Piece: Mouse in the Wainscot by Ian Serraillier            G/154            £3.00

Class 14

Verse Speaking Year 7

Test Piece: The Bookworm by Walter De La Mare            G/224            £3.00

Class 15

Verse Speaking Year 8

Test Piece: Parrott by Alan Brownjohn            JI/78/79            £3.00

Class 16

Verse Speaking Year 9

Test Piece August Ends by Leonard Clark            H100            £3.00

Test Piece: War Photographer by Carol Ann Duffy            F172            £2.00

Copy available from the Secretary

Class 17 Book ref./page Entry fee

Verse Speaking Year 10

Test Piece: Prince Kano by Edward Lowbury            I/86            £.3.00

Class 18

Verse Speaking Year 11

Test Piece: Sea Fever by John Masefield            J/496            £3.00

Class 19

Verse Speaking Year 12 and over

Test Piece: The President by Leonard Clark            H06/7            £3.00



A Copy of Own Choice Poems to be submitted at time of entry please.


Class 20

Humorous Verse Speaking Year 2 and under

Test Piece: Own Choice Time Limit: 2 minutes            £3.00

Class 21

Humorous Verse Speaking Years 3 and 4

Test Piece: Own Choice Time Limit: 2 minutes            £3.00

Class 22

Humorous Verse Speaking Year 5

Test Piece: Own Choice Time Limit: 3 minutes            £3.00

Class 23

Humorous Verse Speaking Year 6

Test Piece: Own Choice Time Limit: 3 minutes            £3.00

Class 24

Humorous Verse Speaking Years 7 and 8

Test Piece: Own Choice Time Limit: 4 minutes            £3.00

Class 25

Humorous Verse Speaking Years 9, 10 and 11

Test Piece: Own Choice Time Limit: 4 minutes            £3.00

Class 26

Prose Speaking Year 6 and under Time Limit: 1½ minutes

Test Piece: The following Extract from To Be A Cat by Matt Haig

Beginning at “Before he even opened his eyes… to he had woken up

unquestionably, unimaginably cat”            £3.00

Class 27

Prose Speaking Years 7 and 8 Time Limit: 2 minutes            £3.00

Test Piece: the following extract from When the Sky Falls by Phil Earle

Beginning at When the executioner came … to in this city is absolutely nothing to do with Adonis

Class 28

Prose Speaking Years 9, 10 and 11 Time Limit: 3 minutes            £3.00

Test Piece: the following extract from Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett

Beginning at Silence again filled the makeshift theatre to He done it with

a dagger

Class 29

Prose Speaking Years 12 and 13 Time Limit: 4 minutes            £3.00

Test Piece: the following extract from Dracula by Bram Stoker from

Outside the Harkers’ door we paused to we saw nothing but faint vapour.


Class 30

Bible Reading Year 6 and under (Primary)

Test Piece: St Mark Chapter 5 verses 21-34            £3.00

Any version of the Bible may be used, but a copy must be provided

for the adjudicator

Class 31

Bible Reading Year 7 and over (Secondary)            £3.00

Test Piece: St. Mark Chapter 14 Verses 32-50

Any version of the Bible may be used, but a copy must be provided

for the adjudicator

Class 32

Religious Verse Year 6 and under            £3.00

Test Piece: Own Choice Time Limit up to 3 minutes

Class 33

Religious Verse Year 7 and over

Test Piece: Own Choice Time Limit 3 minutes            £3.00



The poem MUST be sent to the Secretary at the time of entry : 16th January 2023 For Classes 34 & 35 please include your date of birth.


Class 34

Original Verse written by Primary School Students            £3.00

Test Piece: Performers are required to submit their own choice composition which may be either rhyming or free verse. The poem may be either spoken by the writer or another person chosen by the writer.


Class 35

Original Verse written by Secondary School Students            £3.00

Test Piece: Performers are required to submit their own choice composition which may be either rhyming or free verse. The poem may be either spoken by the writer or another person chosen by the writer.


Class 36

Original Verse Adult            £4.00

Test Piece: Performers are required to submit their own choice composition which may be either rhyming or free verse. The poem may be either spoken by the writer or another person chosen by the writer.







Class 38

Solo Mime Primary            £3.00

Test Piece: First Day at School or The Referee

Time Limit: 2 minutes

Class 39

Solo Mime Secondary

Test Piece: The Knock or Caught Out            £3.00

Time Limit: 3 minutes

Class 40

Duo Mime Primary No Music

Test Piece: The Photograph or The Interview or The Rescue

Time Limit: 3 minutes            £3.50

Class 41

Duo Mime Secondary No Music

Test Piece: Own Choice

Time Limit: 3 minutes            £3.50

Class 42

Group Mime Primary (not less than 4 people) No Music

Test Piece: At the Fashion Show or The Beach

Time Limit: 5 minutes            £6.00

Class 43

Group Mime Secondary (not less than 4 people) No Music

Test Piece: Own Choice

Time Limit: 6 minutes            £6.00



Class 44

Solo Dramatic Primary

Test Piece: Own Choice of an extract from a play or novel spoken by a character

Time Limit: 3 minutes            £3.50

Class 45

Solo Dramatic Years 7 and 8

Test Piece: Own Choice of an extract from a play or novel spoken by a character

Time Limit: 3 minutes            £3.50


Class 46

Solo Dramatic Years 9, 10 and 11

Test Piece: Own Choice of an extract from a play or novel spoken by a character

Time Limit: 5 minutes            £3.50

Class 47

Solo Dramatic 16 years and over

Test Piece: Own Choice of an extract from a play or novel spoken by a character

Time Limit: 5 minutes            £4.00



Class 48

Duologue Primary

Test Piece: Own Choice

Time Limit: 5 minutes (including any prop setting)            £4.00

Class 49

Duologue Years 7 and 8

Test Piece: Own Choice

Time Limit: 6 minutes (including any prop setting)            £4.00

Class 50

Duologue Years 9-12

Test Piece: Own Choice

Time Limit: 6 minutes (including any prop setting)            £4.00

Class 51

Dramatic Quartet Years 1 and 2

Test Piece: “Holiday” or “The Strange Visit”

Time Limit: 3 minutes            £5.00

Class 52

Dramatic Quartet Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Test Piece: “Where did that come from?” or “Oh, what a mess!”

Time Limit: 4 minutes            £5.00

Class 53

Dramatic Quartet (Secondary)

Test Piece: “Shock Result” or “Eureka”

Time Limit: 4 minutes            £5.00

Choral Speaking Choirs Are Not To Be Conducted


Class 54

Choral Speaking Years 1 and 2

Test Piece: Chinese New Year Dragon by John Foster or Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me by Shel Silverstein or Cat by Eleanor Farjeon

AND Own Choice of one contrasting poem. Time limit: 4 minutes            £6.50

Class 55

Choral Speaking Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Test Piece: Monster by Richard Edwards or Football Mad by Benjamin Zephaniah

or The Blind Dog by Clare Bevan

AND Own Choice of one contrasting poem. Time limit: 5 minutes           £6.50

Class 56

Choral Speaking Secondary

Test Piece: The Tortoise and the Hare by Brain Pattern or Floradora Doe by Jack Prelutsky or Fuss Fuss Fuss or The Goldilocks Rap by James Carter

AND Own Choice of one contrasting poem Time Limit: 8 minutes            £6.50

Copies of these poems are available from the Secretary



Junior Theme Class 11 years and under (not less than 5 people)

Test Piece: A programme devised by the group illustrating one of the following:

i A Celebration ii. A Strange Encounter iii. The Sea

The theme must include at least three of the following skills:

a. Solo Verse b. Prose

c. Choral Speaking d. Recorded Music

e. Live Music f. Mime & Music

Time Limit: 8 minutes            £3.85

Class 57

Choral Speaking (Adults)

Test Piece A Satrical Elergy on the Death of a Late Famous General by Jonathan Swift

Or The Moon’s Monolugue(Act 111 from Blind Weddings by FedericoGarcia Lorca

Beginning I’m around swan on the river …”and ending “With a feverish diamond light.”

Or Still I Rise by Maya Angelou

AND Own Choice of one contrasting poem Time Limit 10 minutes £6.00

Copies of Set Poems available from the Secretary

Performers in Classes 58 to 60 must provide copies of Solo Verse, Prose and

Choral Speaking which they may be including in their performance.

Class 58

Junior Theme Class Years 6 and under (not less than 5 people)

Test Piece: A programme devised by the group illustrating one of the following:

i Summer ii Danger iii Family Occasions

The theme must include at least three of the following skills:

a. Solo Verse d. Recorded Music

b. Prose e. Live Music

c. Choral Speaking f. Mime and Movement

Time Limit: 8 minutes            £6.00

Class 59

Intermediate Theme Class Years 7 and 8 (not less than 5 people)

Test Piece: A programme devised by the group illustrating one of the following:

i Winter ii Out and About iii Escape

The theme must include at least three of the skills listed above.

Time Limit: 10 minutes            £6.00

Class 60

Senior Theme Class Years 9 to 11 (not less than 5 people)

Test Piece: A programme devised by the group illustrating one of the following:

i Disguise ii Phobias iii Happy Days

The theme must include at least three of the skills listed above.

Time Limit: 12 minutes            £6.00

Class 61

Shakespeare Character Study Years 6, 7 and 8            £2.50

The piece selected must be acted Time Limit: 2 minutes

Test Piece: Own Choice of a speech from one of the following plays

I. Much Ado About Nothing ii. Romeo & Juliet iii. Midsummer Night’s Dream


Class 62

Shakespeare Character Study Years 9, 10, and 11            £2.50

The piece selected must be acted. Time limit: 4 minutes

Test Piece: Own Choice of a speech from any play by William Shakespeare

Class 63

Shakespeare Character Study Years 12 and 13

The piece selected must be acted Time Limit: 4 minutes            £3.00

Test Piece: Own Choice of a speech from any play by William Shakespeare

Class 64

Shakespeare Character Study Adult            £5.00

The piece selected must be acted Time Limit: 4 minutes

Test Piece: Own Choice of a speech from any play by William Shakespeare

Class 65

Diary Reading Years 7 and 8 Time Limit: 3 minutes

Test Piece: Own Choice of an extract from the Diary of Anne Frank            £3.00

Class 66

Diary Reading Years 9, 10 and 11 Time Limit: 3 minutes

Test Piece: Own Choice of an extract from

The Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden            £3.00

Class 67

Verse Speaking Years 3, 4, 5 and 6            £3.00

Test Piece: Own Choice of any poem from Read Me Series of Books

A copy must be provided for the adjudicator.

Class 68 £3.00

Verse Speaking Years 7 — 12

Test Piece: The Nations Favourite Poems except any poem already set for the Festival

Class 69            £3.00

Sonnet Class (Secondary)

Test Piece: Own Choice of two contrasting sonnets

Class 70            £3.00

Prepared Prose Reading Time Limit: 3 minutes

Test Piece: An extract from any novel by Charles Dickens

Class 71

Musical Theatre Group (not less than 4 people)

Test Piece: To perform an extract from a Musical which must include spoken word

and 1 musical piece accompanied by either recorded or live music.

Time Limit: 15 minutes            £7.00

Please note: Should entries be received from both Primary and Secondary ages; this class will be divided.

Class 72

Radio News Reading Years 5 and 6

Test Piece: Performers should prepare a news script which they will read as a radio news bulletin of 2 minutes duration. The script, which should be in the performer’s own words, should comprise news items which have been reported on radio, television or in the newspapers during January and February 2023 The adjudicator will assess both content and presentation. £3,00

Class 73

Radio News Reading Years 7 and 8

Test Piece: As above, but a bulletin of up to 3 minutes duration.            £3.00

Class 74

Radio News Reading Years 9 and 10

Test Piece: As above, but a bulletin of up to 4 minutes duration            £3.00


Radio News Reading Years 11 and 12

Test Piece: As above, but a bulletin of up to 5 minutes duration.            £3.00

Class 76

Musical Theatre Solo Open

Test Piece: To introduce a character from a musical and perform one song.

Time Limit: 4 minutes

Accompanist will be provided if necessary. CDs not allowed.

Music must be included with entry please.            £3.00

Class 77

Open Theme Class            £6.00

Test Piece: A programme devised by the group illustrating any one of the options listed in Classes 58—60. Time Limit: 12 minutes

Class 78            £3.00

Duologue Open

Test Piece Own Choice of a Piece written for two Characters or an

Extract from a Book

Time Limit 8 Minutes including setting.

Class 79           £3.00

Humorous Verse Year 12 & 13

Own Choice Time Limit 5 minutes

Class 80            £3.00

Bible Reading Year 12 & 13

Test Piece St Luke Chapter 2 verses 1 to 20

Class 81

Solo Dramatic Years 12 & 13

Test Piece Own Choice of a speech by a Character from either a Play or Novel

Time Limit 6 minutes            £3.00